
WHC 2009 Logo

World Horror Convention 2009

Our Guests

We are pleased to announce the following Guests-of-Honour:

Conrad Williams

Edo van Belkom

F. Paul Wilson

Joshua Gee

Tommy Castillo

Christopher Fowler
Christopher Fowler has had to cancel his attendance at World Horror Convention 2009. As the main legal trustee of the estate of his former business partner and the joint director of the group of companies, Christopher Fowler is required by law to attend the probate hearings, which will be held in London, UK and Nice, France. Unfortunately for us, these court dates have been set for the same time as our convention, so Christopher extends his apologies but he will be unable to attend the convention.

Additional guests will be announced as they confirm.

Additional Program Participants will be announced as the schedule begins to gel. Those who are interested in taking part in the programming should send an email to